Many banks offer the option of opening a bank account online or in person. Whatever process you choose, the documentation needed is generally the same. Below you will find a list of information that you will need to provide to open a Forward Checking Account.
Company Information
- Type of legal entity
- Legal name of entity
- EIN/Tax ID number
- Date established
- Company phone number
- Company physical address
- Company description
- Company industry classification (NAICS code)
- Company website
Company Documents
Below are examples of acceptable documentation, however, we reserve the right to ask for additional documentation as needed.
- Formation document
- Articles of Incorporation
- Certificate of Publication
- Partnership Agreement
- Certified Court Order
- Governing Trust Document
- Fictitious Trade Name
- Authority document
- Operating Agreement
- By Laws
- Current Appointment of General Partnership
- LLP Agreement
- Limited Partnership Agreement
- Certificate of Authority
- AML Policy (If applicable)
Applicant/Authorized Signers/Control Person/Beneficial Owners
- Legal name
- Job title
- Ownership %
- Physical address
- Email address
- Phone number
- Date of birth
- SSN/Tax ID number
- Photo ID and selfie with photo ID
Beneficial owner information will be required for each individual who owns 25% or more, directly or indirectly, of the company.
Applicant/Authorized Signers/Control Person/Beneficial Owners
- Photo ID
- Selfie photo holding ID
Expected Account Activity
- Domestic and Foreign ACH Deposits/Withdrawals
- Volume and number of deposits per month
- (Foreign only) Countries involved
- Domestic and Foreign Wire Deposits/Withdrawals
- Volume and number of deposits per month
- (Foreign only) Countries involved
- (Foreign only) Purpose
- Mobile/Remote Check Deposit Activity
For additional questions or assistance, contact Client Services.